Monday 1 November 2010

Rubix's Cube......

In todays lesson me and my group were creating our storyboard. During that we thought about the 80s theme and we discussed how we could include a rubix cube as a prop in our music video to make the audience fully aware we wanted to go with an 80s theme. However I then came up with an idea of using the rubix cube as a metaphor for how relationships go and how one person is always in control for example with a rubix cube we are in contorl of the way it moves which can link to mulipulation of a relationship , we also have to fix the rubix cube which relates to how things fall apart and someone is always left to put the pieces back together again in a relationship and rubix cubes are really fustrating which is also a very good link to relationships. I thought that using a rubix cube would also relate to the fact that relationships control out thoughts and that the colours on the rubix cube represent all the different things running through the mans head.