We looked at an article called 'How video didn't kill the radio star' by Stephen Hill. This article was released in a media magazine during February 2009.
A quote from the article is
- "Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' (1975) is regularly cited as definitive of some new era in popular music video is that it exemplifies the grammar of a music video." - This quote is referring to the fact that Bohemian Rhapsody includes many conventions of a music video.
- Also looking at this article we found out that the key features of the popular queen music video 'Bohemian Rhapsody' were that the moving images were synced in time with the music. Also there are features of Sergei Eistein included in this music video such as montage cinema.
- "The reason that 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is so revered is that the visuals are structured so exactly arounf the arrangement of the song." - The structure and arrangement matches the song.
- Also the article included onformattion on youth and how conventions have changed in music videos through things such as fashion. It also mentioned how todays society allows us to be aware of music videos through the use of internet. Some artists are discovered from you tube itself! and with the accsess of you tube we are able to cone accross them and if we like them we have a choice of sending a link to people online and then it continues to get passed on. As an auidence we are allowed to have more involvement in the songs we like for example on you tube there are karaoke versions of music which is an advantage for the artist as the auidence are learning their songs and also it is fun for us as an audience.