Monday 5 July 2010

What viewers want/ like

Viewers of music videos play a big part in how widely a music video, album or single itself is released. Now days because of artists like Laddy GaGa music videos are becoming popular for the obserdity that is included. Whenever Lady GaGa makes a new music video people all want to see what she is wearing and doing. All her videos are different to one and other and always have different outrageous costumes. Also the main conventions of music videos these days are attractive men/women. In most videos there is an attractive person that is very appealing to the viewers and so people tend to spread the name of the video or artist around. Certain dance routines also help music videos as it is a main hook for the viewers for example Thriller , Single ladies and cha cha side,all in which have a dance routine that people may know off by heart