Tuesday 28 September 2010

Lip synching practise excersise......

This is me loading our final editted lipsynching excersise onto Imovie express , we then uploaded it to you tube. The reason for this excersise was to practise editting music intime to lips synching. It was a great chance for us to use the new programme we now have as the editing programe we have now is different from the progamme we previously used. Also this excerise was a great chance to see how we are going to need our actors to pull of the lipsyncing. Chaise really looked like he was singing the song which he was as we had the track playing while he sung and then we muted it on the imac , however it was alittle out of time because he was putting more effort into his movement. We learnt that it is better to have the music playing and to actually sing along to the song as well as putting movement and emotion in to the song as it looks much more realistic than it would if we didnt play the music and someone was just miming words they learnt. Using the new programme was tricky but we learnt the simple steps of edditing which is vital and also we as a group found out how to create a split scene which is demonstrated in our video.

Here is the lipsyncing excersise:

About The coulours.... our final chosen artists

The colours are a three man band. Who come under the pop, dance and alternative genres. On the unsigned website they are compared to early 'Wham' a well known band who were mainly known by our youth for the famous song ' Wake me up before you go go' . This boy band includes three very talented musicians as the each do more than one thing to make their music sound more exciting.

Band Member & Rolls :
  • Tom Pickford- vocals ,keys & guitar
  • Tom Newman - Bass, Synthesizers & Backing vocals
  • Tony Folland - Drums, Sequencing & Percussion
The band are currently recording their album that is due for release next year and are on tour around the UK at the moment.The band had some help with a really good producer who has worked with the Kaiser Chiefs and Pigeon Detectives who are well known at the moment. The Kaiser Cheifs are mainly known for their song 'I predict a riot'. On it says that The coulours like to write about real life situations and they aren't always happy ones however their melodies contradict that as they are upbeat and fun.

As The Colours were compared to Wham i decided to look at one of their famous music videos 'Wake me up before you go go'. The reason i decided to look at this music video is because of the bright colours and funness of the video. I really like these ideas and think they could work well in our video if they were to fit. Their style of costume is also very retro and 8Os looking which is good for more music video as we would like to maybe incorporate some bright 8Os style images.

I also think they are quite like a modern day band called The Wombats. They are a indie pop band who have the same kind of image as The Colours and also have a very familiar sound to their music. Here is one of their music videos and songs:

I think we could maybe try and go for an image just like these band members as they are pretty familiar to The Colours. I also like the idea that their music videos are fun and random and creative yet still make sense. Maybe we could try something like this.

The prosess of finding our final artist....

For our project we have decided to use the song 'Tonight i let you go' by The Colours. We found this band by searching for artists on We each came across various artists of different type of genres such as Amber Rubarth, we then after a discusion decided to use The colours because they are really funky and energetic and help us think of the type of audience we could attract to our music video. We mentioned it being suitable for teenagers into indie and pop. James then emailed them and asked for permission to use this single and they kindly agreed.

Here is a coppy of the email we sent:

Hello i am a student in year 13 from Robert Clack School. I am working on a media project to produce a music video for an unsigned song. I found your song 'tonight i let you go' and thought it would be perfect to use for me and my group. Could you please send me an mp3 version of the song and the lyrics if possible, reply as soon as you can please thank you for your time :)

Here is a copy of their reply:
Hi James,
Thanks for getting in touch.
We're glad you like the song.
I've attached an mp3 and the lyrics are below. Let me know fi you need anything else. Please don't upload to any websites before we approve the video but I look forward to seeing the results.

Here are the lyrics of their song:

Tonight I Let You Go
You're empty promises still filling up my mind while my love's away,
Temptation calls me to this.
And loveless fools believe, their guilty hearts still bleed,
but their cold and lifeless heartbeats wear them out.
Cos you're the heartbreak that I couldn't deal with
You're the mistake that no-one could save me from
I know I'm better off leaving now, you are the only reason I wanted more.
You know I wasn't on my own tonight - I just keep on running
You know I wasn't on my own tonight - Tonight I let you go
My insecurities playing on my mind, problems never change,
you should come back, come back, come back and hope for more, wo
A love that runs too deep, stolen moments we couldn't keep
You should go before the night time lets you down
Cos you're the heartbreak that I couldn't deal with
You're the mistake that no-one could save me from
I know I'm better off leaving now, you are the only reason I wanted more.
You know I wasn't on my own tonight - I just keep on running
You know I wasn't on my own tonight - Tonight I let you go

Monday 20 September 2010

analysing continued......Mise en scene

During this video the mise en scene clearly seperates the two different types of girls through the use of costumes, for example the "geeky" girl is completly different by the way she desses and hhow she presents her physicality .She wears a shirt and jumper and has her hair all tied up and looks like she belongs in a working environment she also doesn't wear much make up , However the other girl is in a blue dress that looks like something you would wear for a party and not school , she has alot of make up on and her physicality in the way that she walks gives us the impression that she is confident and in control. She is also taller which shows us she thinks everyone should look up to her. We get the impression that she is a bully as she is cruel to the other girl, She also pushes a boy against the wall with his broken arm which shows us shes dangerous and kisses somebody elses boyfriend infront of the girlfriend. At the end of the song the band enter the school with the lead singer at the front of the boys, the lead singer is almost saying somebody has to put you in your place. She then wipes off all the girls make up and takes out fillets from the girls bra. The use of the face wipe , Make up and filits is to represent how fakeness is a mask behind reality and that there is always somebody to put you in your place.
The lead singer in this music video brings back a sense of girl power and represents fistey girls by the way she characterises herself through this image.

Analysing continued... Cinematography

One of the features in this music video is that the editing is made in time with the beat. The shots are really fast and continuous. There are a load of close ups of the lead singer who shows emotion in the way she sings which matches the lyrics really well. The video is very illustrative and the audiance can easily pick out the message of this video. the types of shot such as long shots and mid shots are very effective especially when the lead singer is talking about the stereotyped tarty girl who is very into men and seems to take from other girls. There is also an over the shoulder shot when the sterotyped tarty girl tapps the stereotyped geeky girl on the back this illistrates the dominace she has. Also when there are clips of the band themselves performing the colour changes from bright to black and white at times, Also it includes a quick flash light which emphasises the quickness of the shots and beats of the music.

Analysis continued.... Background Research

Paramore are a 5 membered band. They were formed in 2004 . The majority of the band are men and the lead singer is the only female member of the band. The names of the band members are

  • Hayley Willims- Lead vocals
  • Josh Farro- Lead guitarist
  • Jeremy Davis- Bass guitar
  • Zac Farro- drums
  • Taylor York- Rhythm guitar

The type of genre that Paramore are is rock. They have produced three successful albums such as
  • All we know is falling
  • Riot! - This was certificated platinum in the US and gold in Australia , New Zealand and the UK
  • Brand new eyes
  • they are a fun attitude band with a good image that represents them, Hayley represents all the girls as fistey and in control and brings back the idea of girl power.

Analysis a music video

The music video i decided to analyse is Misery Business buy Paramore.

Friday 17 September 2010

Analysis of a music vedio made by students....

We watched some students music videos they had produced . They were from other schools and we made notes on what we think made those videos successful as they were both 100% grades.

The first video we looked at was a song made by a band called 6underground. This video was successful because the editing fitted the beat of the music, it was fluid and quick. The camera work was really good. They had thought clearly about location and Mise En Scene. Also the main person who was lip syncing had a believable performance.

We then watched another music video that was alot different to the previous one. The reason this second one was effective was because the location fitted in with the music for example it was full of green and animals and the song was farm type. The mise en scene again also worked well as they had a guitar and tractor which fitted in with the farm type folk feeling. The editing was alot slower than the previous music video we saw and worked really well.


There has been a massive switch in the importance of Youtube from tellyvision channels such as MTV. Most vewing of videos appear to no be online or through VMA awards on tellyvision. But... there is still a battle between telly channels and Yutube.


How might we measure the access criteria of a music promo video?

We can keep up to date with how well a music promotion video is doing though many ways such as:

  1. How many views a video has on You Tube.
  2. Through music channel requests
  3. By sales such as CDs and charts.
  4. By the word of mouth
  5. Newspaper articles/ TV results
  6. How many times a video is shown on television
  7. Amount of publicity it gets
  8. And finally Illegal/Legal downloads

Saturday 11 September 2010

'Once in a lifetime - Talking Heads

During a session we looked at the famous music video 'Once in a lifetime' by the talking heads. we then took notes and this is what I learnt.

What is the purpose of this music video?

  • To promote the song- in their music video they purposley had the singer dance crazy because when you think of the song you think of the lead singers crazy dancing.
  • The video is sopssed to be confusing to keep the audience intrested.

Why is it a successful music video?

  • Word of mouth
  • Creativity
  • Meladramatic lypsyncing
  • Editing is random and matches the weirdness of the music video
  • Image

Purpose & success criteria

What is the purpose of a music promotion video?

Advertisment-sells-raises profile

Draws attention to music/song

Illustrates the song- paints a picture to a visual audience and tells us a story

Expersses an individuals emotions

Markets an image- people become intrested in the image for both negative and positive reasons (" bad press is good press") this means people will still pay attertion to the artist/song so it is still getting publicity.

Promotes artist/singer/album

Some make an artistic statement just like 'once in a lifetime' but Talking heads.