Monday 20 September 2010

Analysing continued... Cinematography

One of the features in this music video is that the editing is made in time with the beat. The shots are really fast and continuous. There are a load of close ups of the lead singer who shows emotion in the way she sings which matches the lyrics really well. The video is very illustrative and the audiance can easily pick out the message of this video. the types of shot such as long shots and mid shots are very effective especially when the lead singer is talking about the stereotyped tarty girl who is very into men and seems to take from other girls. There is also an over the shoulder shot when the sterotyped tarty girl tapps the stereotyped geeky girl on the back this illistrates the dominace she has. Also when there are clips of the band themselves performing the colour changes from bright to black and white at times, Also it includes a quick flash light which emphasises the quickness of the shots and beats of the music.