Monday 20 September 2010

analysing continued......Mise en scene

During this video the mise en scene clearly seperates the two different types of girls through the use of costumes, for example the "geeky" girl is completly different by the way she desses and hhow she presents her physicality .She wears a shirt and jumper and has her hair all tied up and looks like she belongs in a working environment she also doesn't wear much make up , However the other girl is in a blue dress that looks like something you would wear for a party and not school , she has alot of make up on and her physicality in the way that she walks gives us the impression that she is confident and in control. She is also taller which shows us she thinks everyone should look up to her. We get the impression that she is a bully as she is cruel to the other girl, She also pushes a boy against the wall with his broken arm which shows us shes dangerous and kisses somebody elses boyfriend infront of the girlfriend. At the end of the song the band enter the school with the lead singer at the front of the boys, the lead singer is almost saying somebody has to put you in your place. She then wipes off all the girls make up and takes out fillets from the girls bra. The use of the face wipe , Make up and filits is to represent how fakeness is a mask behind reality and that there is always somebody to put you in your place.
The lead singer in this music video brings back a sense of girl power and represents fistey girls by the way she characterises herself through this image.