Friday 3 December 2010

Changes made due to weather

Due to the weather conditions we haven't beeen able to film much. This whole week has been full of snow and so today we decided to make a list of all the things we could include in our music video to make up for loss time.
Here is the list:
Other scene ideas: From “loveless fools believe…..”
· (Tonight I let you go/it’s over) postick note
· Documentary (band cheering him up, show the other side of his life distraction from what is going on)?
· Fans wanting autographs
· Speed up editing of girls making a banner for the band?
· Press scence interview (flashing cameras smiling )
· As it has been snowing we thought we could create a Flash back in the snow and then make it look like the flashback had been rewinded before he wakes up to show he is waking up but waking up to reality of this present day.