Tuesday 7 December 2010

Purpose of music videos

Today i was flicking through music channels on TV. I watched a few music videos and noticed that there are actually so many different purposes of realising music videos.

There are ones promoting new films and wanting to reach out the the public who like the particular song so they see the film and example of a song promoting a film is Paramore Decode. This song has been composed especially for the film Twilight. The video includes scenes from this film to encourage the public to want to see the film or if they have seen this film it encourages them to maybe buy the bands single.

Here is the music video:

There are also music videos that promote musicians new singles such as scouting for girls 'This ain't a love song'. These music videos are either done in a documentry style or illustrate the lyrics of the song. The purpose of this music video is to "sell" the single as much as it can if people can see the song visually then they may like it even more.

Then there are also music videos and songs that are calibrations of two artists singing together to promote one another. One is usually trying to help promote a new artist. This is a great comparison to media as it is just like a cross convention as it is two people working together to make a positive.
Here is an example : B.O.B. has worked with Rivers Cumo in order to help them noticeable to the public.