Monday 13 December 2010

Update of what we are doing.....

Today we realised that we have almost finished our music video, We just need to add in more transitions. Our music video seems to be in time with the music and we have also edited the love interest and the lead singer singing certain lyrics as if they were speaking them they are in time with the music and look really good. Thursday we went out and filmed the lead singer (Chaise) passing out to add more sense to out plot of the music video, We also filmed an hand held point of view shot. Chaise held the camera and moved it around as fast as he could to make everything in sight look blurry this was to achieve a drunken effect as earlier on we see him making his way into then out of a pub. We are now just going through the music video and putting in things such as transitions and effects. I hope to include some screen grabs from out editing soon.